Schöne Menschen sind erfolgreicher.
Haben Sie ästhetisch störende Hautveränderungen und möchten Sie Ihr Aussehen verbessern? Macht sich Ihr Alter langsam bemerkbar und Sie empfinden den Bedarf einer ästhetischen Auffrischung?
Wir können helfen! Durch moderne, schonende Verschönerungsprozeduren kann man ein erholtes und frisches Aussehen wiederherstellen.
Welche ästhetische Probleme gibt es?
Abtragung Hautläsionen
Muttermale, Hauttumoren lassen sich durch minimalinvasive Prozeduren wie Shaving, Laser oder operative Eingriffe mit winzigen Schnitten entfernen.
Comprehensive diagnoses of multiple sclerosis (MS), as well as treatments aimed to prevent further irreversible...
Numerous conservative treatments, as well as invasive treatment involving deep brain stimulation, both aimed to...
Behandlung für Schwitzen
Numerous conservative treatments, as well as invasive treatment involving deep brain stimulation, both aimed to...
Botulinumtoxin für Falten
Numerous conservative treatments, as well as invasive treatment involving deep brain stimulation, both aimed to...
Numerous conservative treatments, as well as invasive treatment involving deep brain stimulation, both aimed to...
Comprehensive diagnoses of multiple sclerosis (MS), as well as treatments aimed to prevent further irreversible...
Comprehensive diagnoses of multiple sclerosis (MS), as well as treatments aimed to prevent further irreversible...
Comprehensive diagnoses of multiple sclerosis (MS), as well as treatments aimed to prevent further irreversible...
Comprehensive diagnoses of multiple sclerosis (MS), as well as treatments aimed to prevent further irreversible...
Numerous conservative treatments, as well as invasive treatment involving deep brain stimulation, both aimed to...
Numerous conservative treatments, as well as invasive treatment involving deep brain stimulation, both aimed to...
Comprehensive diagnoses of multiple sclerosis (MS), as well as treatments aimed to prevent further irreversible...
Spezialisten für ästhetische Dermatologie in Herne
Fachärztin für Haut und Geschlechtskrankheiten, ästhetische Prozeduren und minimal invasive Operationen. Praxisinhaberin und Spezialistin für ästhetische Dermatologie.